Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition characterized by a degeneration of melanocytes-producing skin pigments. Portions of skin lose their pigments. The reason for this appears to be a disturbed intracellular redox status caused by the lack of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant substances. [1]
A systemic 8-week application of an oral Q10 intake achieved an improvement of VASI (Vitiligo Area Score Index) and thus an improvement in the skin coloration. [2]
External use of Q10-containing creams is not recommended. In a study at the University of Greifswald, increased hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels in the skin were observed. Increased dermal H2O2 levels are counterproductive in the treatment of vitiligo. [3]
There is evidence that curcumin from Curcuma longa may improve the redox status in vitiligo. [4]
There are also indications that the so-called SIRT1 genes are associated with skin pigmentation. Resveratrol is one of the major plant-based SIRT1 activators. Therefore taking Resveratrol might be a useful treatment option. [5]
[1] Causes of vitiligo
[2] Oral use of Q10 in vitiligo
[3] Vitiligo and Q10 creams
[4] Curcuma and vitiligo
[5] Resveratrol activated SIRT1 — Associatiation with vitiligo