Category Archives: Inflammation



Rhodiola rosea is an extraordingary plant of outstanding importance for human health. Rhodiola can be used for many of the health problems of modern times. The most popular use of Rhodiola is for mental and physical stress. However, Rhodiola has a whole range of other applications. For example, it has an effect on the little-known aging process of our immune system. You will find out more below. First, here is some general information about the Rhodiola plant. Continue reading

Bioactive Folic Acid

Bioactive Folic Acid – Why?
Why is taking biologically active folic acid as opposed to biologically inactive folic acid so important?

The folic acid absorbed through food may be partially destroyed by cooking and industrial processes [1].

To compensate for a deficiency, biologically active folic acid should be used when possible. Synthetic folic acid must first be converted in the body in several steps into the active form. For the body, this is associated with energy expenditure and requires a series of enzymatic reactions.
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