Monthly Archives: December 2011

Glutathione May Regenerate Vitamin E and Vitamin C

Copyright © Dr. med. Alexander Michalzik

Without the “Antioxidant Network” the body cannot survive. Many diseases that occur more frequently in old age, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, eye and skin diseases, tumors, etc. are the result of oxidation processes of body tissues. Here L-glutathione (GSH) in its reduced form has a key position.
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Curcuma – Is the Regeneration (Formation) of New Brain Cells Possible?

For over 50 years the dogma exist that brain cells cannot regenerate. Considering the fact that every day many brain cells perish, this is not a pleasant idea. In 1998, the Swedish scientist Thomas Björk Eriksson of the University of Gothenburg verified the formation (regeneration) of new nerve cells in adults (hood) for the first time. Especially in the hippocampus (region) area, this effect could be demonstrated. Elizabeth Gould explored the influence of stress on the brain cells and the possible mechanisms for the formation of new cells. Continue reading