Chlorella – Please Note PAH Value; Headaches as a Warning Signal

Chlorella is a well-known product for detoxification; nevertheless, the PAH value should always be taken into consideration.

The alga Chlorella has the unique ability to bind various pollutants that are harmful to humans. These include mercury, dioxins, formaldehyde, others toxins and heavy metals.
A valuable combination of plant ingredients: such as chlorophyll, sporopollenin and sulfurous amino acids, help to bind and excrete harmful substances. Thus the fatal enterohepatic circulation is broken.
Furthermore, chlorella possesses a high concentration of vital substances (e.g., amino acids, trace elements and omega 3 fatty acids). Especially for vegetarians and vegans, it is therefore an attractive dietary supplement.

Chlorella is capable of binding many harmful substances. This is important if it is desired to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body.
This same binding property of Chlorella causes, however, is also capable of absorbing toxins from the environment. Therefore extreme caution in the cultivation and production of Chlorella is required. Only strictly controlled goods should be used. Otherwise negative effects could be expected.
Particularly problematic are the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) ( These can bind themselves to the Chlorella. Occasionally, it has happened that even an organic product showed a PAH value of 200 and more.
The PAHs are not necessarily precisely controlled even with organic chlorella. The PAH value should be specified below 10.

Elimination and Detoxification with Chlorella and Developing Headache

Because Chlorella does not penetrate the CNS, meaning that it cannot act in the brain, the detoxification with Chlorella should always be supplemented with OPC and R-alpha lipoic acid. These two chelating agents may also excrete heavy metal and are able to penetrate the CNS; thus they are capable of protecting the brain. The occasionally occurring headache caused by detoxification with chlorella could be due to the fact that chlorella binds heavy metals from the various body tissues, but not all of these are immediately excreted. The danger of crossing of heavy metals into the brain cannot be ruled out. High dosages of OPC (2-6 capsules per day) and R-alpha lipoic acid (2 to 4 times daily 150 mg), can prevent the absorption of these into the brain.

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