Alpha-lipoic acid, (also called R-alpha-lipoic acid), is an important component in mitochondria: it can be synthesized by the human body. Alpha-lipoic acid is known primarily as an antioxidant, but it also acts as a coenzyme and regenerates important vital substances such as the coenzyme Q10, glutathione, vitamin E and vitamin C. Alpha-lipoic acid can also be used for detoxification purposes, especially for mercury compounds. Due to its fat- and water-solubility, and in contrast to conventional chelating agents, alpha-lipoic acid is bioavailable in all body tissues.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid Can Prolong Life
Fasting for long time periods (calorie restriction) is an important strategy for prolonging life. In particular, the goal is the extension of life expectancy while retaining health and activity. Certain substances called calorie and dietary restriction mimetics have been found to achieve the same or similar effect as prolonged fasting, but without needing a change in one’s eating habits. These mimetics include substances such as resveratrol and alpha-lipoic acid.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Life Extension
However, in a study of SAMP8 mice (so-called Senescence Accelerated Mice) alpha-lipoic acid led to a reduction in lifespan.
SAMP8 mice age much faster and therefore are raised as experimental animals for various degenerative diseases in humans (e.g. Alzheimer’s). In these special mice, alpha-lipoic acid improved memory performance and also improved other markers of oxidative stress, but reduced the life span. Unfortunately, no comparison group of healthy mice was treated. SAMP8 mice have a severely disturbed metabolism; therefore the results should not be compared to healthy mice or to human beings. Perhaps the alpha-lipoic acid stimulates metabolic processes in these severely damaged mice, with negative consequences. Data from healthy mice are not available.
The critical attitude in this article towards antioxidants must be questioned. Resveratrol, e.g. shows survival benefits in the honeybee. This effect is reversed by pro-oxidant substances.
Resveratrol Prolongs Life in the Honeybee
Alpha-lipoic acid activates SIRT1 and AMPK. This that can lead to life extension, probably because the lipid metabolism is positively influenced.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid has an Effect on AMPK, NAD+ and SIRT1
Alpha-Lipoic Acid has an Effect on the Severity of Heart Attack
Among others, the severity of a heart attack is influenced by the so-called reperfusion injury. Alpha-lipoic acid can reduce reperfusion injury significantly.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Heart Attack
Cartilage-Protective Effect of Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid may also be an important tool for treating osteoarthritis: a protective effect was detected for joint cartiglage.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Joint Protection